Getting Started with Ember.js Part 2: The List View

table display cars

In the last post, we set up Rails to serve up a list of cars. Now let’s hook up Ember to display that data.

Getting Started with Ember.js

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Let’s start off by adding the model that describes the Car. Add a new file in app/assets/javascripts/models/Car.js

Cars.Car = DS.Model.extend({
  make: DS.attr('string'),
  model: DS.attr('string'),
  color: DS.attr('string'),
  condition: DS.attr('string')

Add a route for the index view that uses Ember Data to find the list of cars. Note that you could certainly use JQuery’s getJSON instead.

Create a new file: app/assets/javascripts/routes/CarsRoutes.js. Add the index route and associate it with the Car model. findAll is part of the Ember Data API; you could just as easily replace that with a JQuery getJSON call or any other method of issuing and HTTP call. It should look like this:

Cars.CarsIndexRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
  model: function() {

Add the resource route in app/assets/javascripts/router.js. We’ll include more routes in the empty function later. Make sure it’s there since it changes how the routes are registered. Just leave it empty for now. {
  this.resource('cars', function() {

Finally, add the index template in app/assets/javascripts/templates/cars/index.js.hbs

<div id="cars-index" class="panel">
  <table role="grid">
    	{{# each car in model}}

That’s it for the list view! Visit localhost:3000/#/cars and it should look like this now:

table display cars

Now that you’ve got the index working, head on to Part 3: Showing a Single Car.


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